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Conditions are checks performed before running actions. They can be used across various configs, including the action system and spawning system.

Available conditions

Condition Type Description
block Block Checks material of the block
blockAbove Block Checks material of the block above
blockBelow Block Checks material of the block below
chance Any Randomly succeeds based on a passed percentage
check.entity Entity Checks many conditions about a Minecraft entity, ex onGround, jumping, inWater...
cooldownsComplete Entity Checks whether entity has no cooldowns specified by name
gap Block Checks the size of the vertical air gap around this block
hasConsumable Entity Checks whether the entity's inventory has a specified item
isSourceLiquid Block Checks if the block is a source liquid block (i.e. not flowing)
maxNearby Block Checks whether there are too many entities of a certain type near this block
mythicConditions Any Runs MythicMobs condition list
player Entity Checks many conditions about a player, ex. sneaking, sprinting, flying...